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National Environmental Group Endorses Laura Gillen for Congress

With water bills set to spike, Long Island needs a clean water champion in Washington

Published August 26, 2024


With water bills set to spike, Long Island needs a clean water champion in Washington

With water bills set to spike, Long Island needs a clean water champion in Washington

Food & Water Action, the political arm of the national advocacy organization Food & Water Watch, has endorsed Laura Gillen for New York’s 4th Congressional District, covering central and southern Nassau County. The group began canvassing the district in support of Gillen on Saturday. The organization boasts a strong grassroots base of volunteer leaders and supporters in the region, with a track record that includes protesting privatized water in Nassau County and helping stop the Port Ambrose liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility in Long Beach.

Gillen won the endorsement based on her history of support for clean, public water. As Hempstead Town Supervisor, Laura Gillen sued corporations who were contaminating Long Island’s public drinking water. While incumbent Rep. Anthony D’Esposito recently voted to slash federal clean water funding, Gillen has committed to supporting the WATER Act and the PFAS Action Act, federal legislation which would protect and invest in water systems for communities around the country. The organization also noted D’Esposito’s votes for fossil fuels and against renewable energy, particularly troublesome in a region hard-hit by climate change.

Eric Weltman, Food & Water Action’s Senior New York Organizer, said: “Nassau County residents are paying an exorbitant amount of money for unsafe drinking water — it’s time for a change. Food & Water Action is proud to endorse Laura Gillen who will fight for clean drinking water and ensure this most basic resource is accessible to all. We are excited to get to work electing Laura Gillen to make sure Long Islanders have a clean water and climate champion fighting for them in Washington.”

Food & Water Action’s endorsement comes amidst toxic 1,4 dioxane and PFAS drinking water contamination in Nassau County, and a double-digit Liberty Water rate hike, set to go into effect September 1. At the same time, storms continue to pummel the region causing massive damage, adding to the costs of climate change.

Margaret Maher, a Food & Water Action volunteer leader from Merrick, said: “Laura Gillen is the champion for our families and the planet we want and need in Congress. I want clean water for my grandchildren, and we need action to prevent climate change. Laura Gillen will fight for me, my family, and our community in Congress.”  

Lauren Krueger, a Food & Water Action volunteer leader from Merrick, said: “Clean drinking water is fundamentally important to human life. As a mom on Long Island, where water is so essential to our economy, I shouldn’t have to fear that my kids are drinking polluted water. I shouldn’t have to worry that I can’t afford clean water! Anthony D’Esposito’s blatant disregard for the lives of his constituents is shameful. That’s why I’m excited that Food & Water Action is helping elect Laura Gillen to Congress.”

Fred Harrison, a Food & Water Action volunteer leader from Merrick, said: “D’Esposito puts the priorities of Republican leadership before the needs of his constituents. D’Esposito has been AWOL on the environment. He voted with Republican climate deniers to eliminate programs designed to make the switch to clean energy more affordable. He does not support legislation designed to help us pay for cleaning up our polluted water supply, the WATER Act and the PFAS Action Act.”

Joe Varon, a Food & Water Action volunteer leader from West Hempstead, said: “As a long-time resident of West Hempstead, I look forward to Laura Gillen becoming our next U.S. Representative. As someone who cares deeply about the future for my grandchildren, we need a champion in Washington who will help curb the climate crisis and promote clean renewable energy. Gillen’s concern for and commitment to protecting our water resources is a big departure from D’Esposito’s dismal track record and lack of concern for protecting his constituents from PFAS and other pollution.”