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Food & Water Action Endorses Eon Huntley for NY Assembly District 56

Fresh climate leadership needed, after Assembly fails to pass the NY HEAT Act for the second year in a row

Published June 13, 2024


Fresh climate leadership needed, after Assembly fails to pass the NY HEAT Act for the second year in a row

Fresh climate leadership needed, after Assembly fails to pass the NY HEAT Act for the second year in a row

Today, Food & Water Action, the political arm of the national advocacy organization Food & Water Watch, endorsed Eon Huntley in the race against incumbent Assembly member Stefani Zinerman for New York’s 56th Assembly District, representing the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Bedford Stuyvesant and Crown Heights.

The endorsement of the progressive champion comes after the conclusion of the state legislative session, where the Assembly failed to pass the NY HEAT Act for the second year in a row. Eon Huntley has committed to championing the popular bill to cap energy bills and end gas subsidies.

With the endorsement, Food & Water Action Northeast Region Director Alex Beauchamp issued the following statement:

“Look no further than the chamber’s failure to pass the NY HEAT Act, to see that the Assembly has become a regular roadblock to climate action in Albany — we urgently need to change that story. Even out of office, Eon has done more to pass the NY HEAT Act than Zinerman did all session. We are proud to endorse Eon Huntley as the bold leader Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights need to usher in a fresh wave of progressive policies to move New York off fossil fuels, and ensure affordable energy for all.”