Democrats Flip Crucial House Seats In NY
Critical House Race Victories Prove Power of New York Climate Movement
Published November 6, 2024
Critical House Race Victories Prove Power of New York Climate Movement
Food & Water Action endorsed candidates Democrats Josh Riley and Laura Gillen have defeated incumbent Republicans U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro, and U.S. Rep. Anthony D’Esposito in closely-watched races for critical swing Congressional seats in NY-19 and NY-04. FWA-endorsed U.S. Rep. Pat Ryan also retained his seat in NY-18.
The victories, which drew significant attention to the candidates’ divergent views on climate action and fossil fuel development, may end up being a critical firewall in preventing Republicans from taking total control of Congress.
Food & Water Action New York State Director Laura Shindell issued the following statement:
“Our livable future was on the ballot this year, and New York’s climate movement delivered. New Yorkers voted like our lives depended on it, rebuking the dangerous pro-corporate Project 2025 interests seeking to boost climate-killing fossil fuels, dismantle clean air and water safeguards, and spread misinformation and distrust about the reality of the crisis we face.
“New York’s newest Congressional Representatives have the backing of the state’s grassroots climate movement — now, it’s time to get to work fighting for our livable future against all odds, and delivering the climate wins that won them their seats.”
Food & Water Action swayed the races by knocking tens of thousands of doors, making hundreds of thousands of calls to voters, holding in-district rallies and distributing hundreds of yard signs.
“Gillen will stand up to the corporations that are controlling our water, polluting our air, and driving up prices. This is a victory for the people of Nassau County who worked hard to defeat an extreme right-wing, corrupt politician. It’s a victory for the people of Nassau County who know that Gillen will fight for clean, affordable water, energy, and food,” said Fred Harrison, a Food & Water Action volunteer from Merrick.
“As a devoted grandfather, I know we can count on Laura Gillen to protect the health and safety of our communities and environment. Laura Gillen will be the champion in Congress we need for safe water, a sustainable food system, and a liveable climate,,” said Joe Varon, a Food & Water Action volunteer from West Hempstead.
“As a constituent of newly elected Congresswoman Gillen, I feel confident we are on the right track.We need someone in Congress that understands that climate change is a very real threat to Long Island. Gillen is a champion of clean water which is also a priority as well as moving off fossil fuels. We have a lot of work to do and she is in our corner for a cleaner future moving forward for future generations. As a grandmother, I am excited for our future and what Gillen can accomplish,” said Margaret Maher, a Food & Water Action volunteer from Merrick.
“On behalf of the environmentally-concerned citizens of the 4th District of New York, I congratulate Laura Gillen on her essential victory. The people have spoken: we want a climate change fighting champion to represent us. Laura Gillen will fight for the livable existence we all deserve: with safe drinking water, breathable air, and our very lives being valued above the profits of the fossil fuel industry,” said Lauren Krueger, a Food & Water Action volunteer leader from Merrick.
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