Why a Harris Presidency Is Key to Progress on Climate

Published October 21, 2024



While Kamala Harris is far from perfect on climate issues, her presidency presents the best opportunity to win transformational change toward a livable future.

While Kamala Harris is far from perfect on climate issues, her presidency presents the best opportunity to win transformational change toward a livable future.

At this grave moment in the climate crisis, we need to seize every opportunity possible to end fossil fuels and fully transition to renewables. When it comes to the White House, Vice President Kamala Harris represents just that: an essential opportunity. 

We know she’s far from perfect on climate issues and has recently backtracked on previous commitments. Nevertheless, her record shows that she recognizes the gravity of the crisis. By electing her, we’ll gain the potential to move her to take the bold action we need. The alternative — a Trump presidency — would set us back decades and put our planet in peril.

As temperatures soar, wildfires rage, and storms lay waste to communities, this election is a critical moment for our planet. With Harris in the White House, we will have a greater chance to make progress on climate action and climate justice.

The Biden-Harris Record Shows the Possibilities

As part of the Biden-Harris administration, Kamala Harris has made some encouraging changes when it comes to climate policy. The administration has rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, an international agreement to cut global climate pollution. 

She also helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which makes unprecedented investments in climate and energy infrastructure. This legislation also created the Civilian Climate Corps, which will employ 20,000 young people in conservation, clean energy, environmental justice, and more.

Harris and the Biden administration have been disappointing in other ways, however. For example, the Inflation Reduction Act also includes major concessions to Big Oil and Gas. It supports industry climate scams like carbon capture and storage and hydrogen

Additionally, the administration approved massive fossil fuel projects, such as the Willow Project in Alaska. And more recently, Harris walked back her opposition to fracking, likely in part because of the bunk idea that it’s a make-or-break issue for Pennsylvania voters.

Nevertheless, we’ve seen the Biden-Harris administration change course on some issues in response to the climate movement. After massive blowback from the Willow approval and relentless activism from organizations including Food & Water Action, the administration paused approvals of liquified natural gas exports. We know that with Harris in office, there’s opportunity for similar pressure and action.

It will take a lot of work, and there will be massive, powerful interests to overcome. But under a Harris Presidency, we will have an urgently needed opportunity to move significant policy. And, having played a key role in helping get her elected, she will be somewhat accountable to us. We will hold some power to move her on climate issues — something that was utterly impossible during the Trump administration.

Harris Faced Down Corporate Polluters and Worked Toward Environmental Justice

Another positive sign is Harris’ track record as an attorney. The record makes clear that Harris understands that the fight against climate change is also a fight against Big Oil companies. 

Before she was vice president or senator, Kamala Harris held polluters to account as Attorney General of California. She fought against the dirty business practices of Volkswagen, British Petroleum, Phillips 66, and ConocoPhillips

Earlier in her career, as District Attorney for San Francisco, Harris started the country’s first environmental justice unit. “Crimes against the environment are crimes against communities, people who are often poor and disenfranchised,” she said at the time. “The people who live in those communities often have no other choice but to live there.”

Harris understands the importance of environmental justice. Climate change and pollution affect us all, but low-income communities and communities of color have suffered the worst. Moreover, they’re at risk of being left behind by future environmental policies.

During her time in Congress, Harris worked with communities for more than a year to write the Climate Equity Act, which, among other measures, would require the government to consider impacts on low-income communities while writing environmental policy. 

She also co-sponsored the Environmental Justice for All Act, which included funding for programs improving public health in marginalized communities and new fees on fossil fuel companies that would go to workers and communities transitioning out of these industries.

Harris has shown her dedication to environmental justice and her intention to fight for people, not for Big Oil. Meanwhile, her opponent has promised to deregulate the oil and gas industry in exchange for campaign donations.

Kamala Harris is the Clear Choice for a Livable Climate

Food & Water Action made our first presidential endorsement not because we support everything in Harris’s agenda, but because the planet is in dire need of a bright opportunity. The Trump administration did irreparable damage to our climate, and we know that a second term could be even worse.

Vice President Harris has a clear track record of concern and action on climate; of fighting corporate polluters and standing up for communities. Electing her will open a door to more progress on climate action and climate justice. A Trump presidency would slam the door shut.

Trump has downplayed the threat of climate change. He has pledged to “drill, baby, drill” and will open the floodgates for polluters to wreak even more havoc on our planet. 

Moreover, Project 2025, the notorious right-wing battle plan for a Republican presidency, would kneecap our ability to regulate pollution, including climate pollution. It would hollow out agencies integral to climate action and our clean energy transition. 

This election is about creating the best possible environment to continue our work on climate. With Harris, we will have someone who understands the stakes and who will be accountable to us. Instead of beating back regressive, authoritarian policies that sacrifice our planet for profit, as we did throughout the last Trump administration, we can put our all into pushing for transformational change, together.

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